Ways to be involved in the Liturgy

Every member of the congregation has a role in the Liturgy and the Eucharist. We all say the prayers together, we all sing the hymns, and we participate even in the quiet moments. We also offer many opportunities for additional participation in our Sunday Worship Services, as listed below.

At St. Francis we are very proud of our Music  program. We have an adult choir, children's choir, handbell choir and even an orchestra.  Please visit our Music page to find out more. 

The Altar Guild prepares and maintains all the altar linens, hangings, vessels, and vestments before each service. They decorate the chancel for Christmas and Easter. The altar flowers also come under their responsibilities.

Lectors read the Old Testament Lesson and the Epistle during worship services.

Chalice Bearers administer the chalice and assist the priest during the Holy Eucharist.

Acolytes are trained to assist the priest during the service and lead the processions into and out of the church. Email Owen Hitchens if you would like to serve as an acolyte.

Ushers provide information and service bulletins to those who enter the church. They receive the offerings of the congregation and guide the flow of the congregation to the altar rail during Communion.

Greeters provide welcome, information, and directions for visitors and newcomers.

For more information regarding our worship services, go to our Sunday Services page.