


Our parish upholds the mission and vision that all are welcome at St. Francis In-The-Fields. We are an open and affirming place of worship.

Because policies tend to deal with restrictions, they are often difficult to write. They are even more difficult to make sound user friendly! Please know you are always welcome and invited to schedule an appointment with the clergy of the parish to discuss any of these policies.


Holy Eucharist [Communion]

We invite all baptized persons to receive Holy Communion. Anyone who prefers a blessing instead of communion is invited to cross their hands over their chest at the altar rail and to be blessed by the clergy. You are in full communion if you receive in one kind (Bread but not Wine).



Holy Matrimony is a wonderful occasion for all, and St. Francis In-The-Fields is a beautiful place to hold a wedding service. The couple should make their intention to marry at St. Francis known to one of the parish clergy at least six months prior to the desired wedding date. Weddings are scheduled on a first come, first served basis once the deposit is received by the office. Generally speaking, it would be extraordinary to have a wedding with less than 30 days of giving notice.

Generally, only active members of St. Francis shall be permitted to hold their wedding ceremonies at St. Francis In-The-Fields. The Canons define active as one who regularly attends church and has made a recorded contribution to the parish in the previous 12 months. In rare circumstances, the Rector may always make exceptions to these rules. The Episcopal Church Canons require that one of the couple is a baptized Christian.

Pre-marital counseling sessions are required. They will be scheduled with the officiating clergy, or a qualified person of the priest's choosing.

Couples will receive the full policy for weddings at St. Francis-In-The-Fields at their first meeting with a clergy person of the parish.



St. Francis In-The-Fields is delighted to offer the Sacrament of Baptism for all those who seek the full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body, the church.

Candidates in The Episcopal Church are baptized "in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," and then marked on the forehead with the sign of the cross. “The inward and spiritual grace in Baptism is union with Christ in his death and resurrection, birth into God’s family the Church, forgiveness of sins, and new life in the Holy Spirit.” [BCP, 1979. 858.]

We baptize all who desire to be baptized, and at any age. Many adults who have never been baptized find this Sacrament to be meaningful in their life’s journey in faith. Candidates for baptism in the Episcopal Church are sponsored by one or more baptized persons. At the Presentation and Examination of the Candidates, sponsors (godparents) speak on behalf of infants or younger children. Baptism is a public rite and usually performed at a regular worship service. This allows the congregation to support the one being baptized by vowing to do “all in [their] power to support these persons in their life in Christ.” [BCP, 1979. 303.]

If you would like to baptized or simply learn more, please be in contact with one of the clergy.


Christian Formation (sometimes called Sunday School)

Our Christian Formation programs are a significant and important part of our community. We offer programming from nursery care to adult education programs for friends of all ages.

We work to provide safe spaces for play and learning, and we continuously look for ways to improve our programming. Everyone working with formation groups are required to have a background check and complete the Safe Church online course. Please contact the Church Office for more information.


Children and Youth Ministries

Our congregation has invested themselves in making our programs O.P.E.N.: 

  • Openly welcome, respectful, and inclusive to all people

  • Providing a safe place to talk about life’s joys and challenges

  • Encouraging questions about our faith and our traditions

  • Navigating the gifts of scripture, liturgy and the sacraments.

We have a large number of dedicated adults who lead in the classroom, with service projects, and behind the scenes. Those who wish to participate need to complete a background check and the necessary Safe Church online courses.


Renting Space at St. Francis In-The-Fields

Rooms are available for rental by parishioners and groups at St. Francis In-The-Fields. We regularly make space available to outside groups including Alcoholics Anonymous, Weight Watchers, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Dance Moves gymnastics and tumbling classes for children, Gentle Yoga, and a Literacy Program.

Please contact the Parish Administrator for more details regarding space use at info@stfranciszionsville.org or 317-873-4377.

St. Francis In-The-Fields complies with The Episcopal Diocese Of Indianapolis Policy Regarding Alcoholic Beverages.