Walk fourteen stations of the passion in the St. Francis sanctuary that draw us closer to the resurrection God’s only Son, through which all people are bestowed with the brightness of God’s light.

You may interact with the Stations at any time when the building is open and after worship. A booklet will be available for your use.

What are the Stations of the Passion?

The devotion originated with pilgrims in Jerusalem retracing the traditional steps Jesus is believed to have followed on Good Friday. Since not all Christians could make pilgrimages to Jerusalem, a custom of replicating the devotion allows us to retrace the steps of Jesus’ Passion on the cross in 14 stations (or stops) on the Way of the Cross.

Praying the Stations of the Passion

There is a short prayer service at each of the stations. These devotions come from The Episcopal Church’s Book of Occasional Services, 2018. The prayers challenge us to think about how we – the ministers of God’s reconciliation in Christ – can honor Christ’s sacrifice by offering ourselves to the healing and repair of the world Jesus was sent by God to save.


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