Getting involved at St. Francis

St. Francis In-The-Fields provides many opportunities for individuals who wish to learn, grow in faith, and serve the needs of others. We encourage you to consider participating in one or more of these programs. Contact or the appropriate leader listed in the bulletin or newsletter.


St Francis In-the-Fields is committed to providing care and support for outreach programs, both locally and throughout the world. Locally, our members support Dayspring Center (a shelter for homeless families located in Indianapolis), Damien Center (which cares for AIDS victims and their families), Julian Center (for victims of domestic violence), the Caring Center in Lebanon and the Zionsville Food Bank, among local agencies.

The Outreach Committee meets regularly to organize recurring and special projects, which have previously included a school supply drive in August, an underwear drive in October and November, a blood drive in December, Thanksgiving pies for Dayspring, support for Christmas families, a Mothers' Day project, and more. We encourage all members of St. Francis to participate in our outreach ministries.

Visit our Outreach page for more information.

Fellowship and In-reach

Support in times of need is the cornerstone of the St. Francis community. If you are in need of prayer and would like to have your name added to the St. Francis Prayer Chain, please email us.

St. Francis is a community of Helping Hands, and we are always there to provide support to those in need. If you can use help with meals or transportation or have other needs during a time of illness, loss or other stress, please let us know.

Please call 317-873-4377 and dial 7 at any time, night or day, if you have an emergency and need to speak with a priest.

The St. Francis community is always ready to help.


In addition to providing outreach and inreach, St. Francis supports many other ministries and volunteers are always needed. Please consider volunteering to:

  • Help in our nursery

  • Teach Godly Play

  • Mentor our middle school and high school youth

  • Provide office support

  • Help maintain and beautify our building and grounds

  • Sing in the choir

  • Participate in the Liturgy

  • Help with our fundraisers

Complete this on-line form and someone will contact you shortly.  We welcome everyone who wants to share of their time and talent! However, please note that anyone who will be working with our children and youth will need to have a background check and complete the "Safeguarding God's Children" on-line course.